The National Science Foundation (NSF) funded Cross-Institutional Research Engagement Network (CIREN) for cyberinfrastructure (CI) facilitators project (NSF Award #2230106) is currently recruiting for new CI facilitators.
The University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UTK) in collaboration with Arizona State University (ASU) has created CIREN to fill critical gaps in the development and retention of CI facilitators via training, mentorship, and research engagement. CIREN’s mission is to “enable transformative research discoveries by connecting researchers with computational expertise.” CIREN provides training and mentorship opportunities to CI facilitators in the areas of high-performance computing (HPC), machine learning (ML), and artificial intelligence (AI). CIREN supports CI facilitators in the execution of local, cross-institutional, and national research engagements. More information on CIREN, our facilitators, and our projects are available on the CIREN website (https://ciren.utk.edu/).
We are looking for individuals at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville including research faculty, staff, and postdoctoral associates interested in exploring the roles and activities of a CI facilitator. CIREN CI facilitators initially obtain salary support at 25% effort during their training and mentorship. CI facilitators who continue beyond this initial training may obtain salary support up to 50% effort depending on the availability of funds and activities.
CI facilitators will have opportunities to increase their knowledge and skills within HPC, ML, and AI. Interested individuals with prior experience or skills in working with researchers on HPC, ML, or AI projects are encouraged to participate. More information about CI facilitation within CIREN and its training and mentorship programs are available on the CIREN website (https://ciren.utk.edu/facilitation).
Interested individuals should complete the following Google web form. We will follow up with interested individuals to discuss opportunities and answer questions regarding CIREN CI facilitation. Please contact the CIREN Director, Lonnie Crosby ([email protected]), with any questions concerning CIREN or the CI facilitator training and mentorship programs.